
SIMFAL coordinator
Dr. Diego Borro
P. Manuel Lardizábal 15
20018 San Sebastian | Spain
Phone: +34 94321-2800
Fax: +34 94321-3076
(Funding reference CFP03-LPA-02-14)
SIMFAL coordinator
Dr. Diego Borro
P. Manuel Lardizábal 15
20018 San Sebastian | Spain
Phone: +34 94321-2800
Fax: +34 94321-3076
Project partners:
CEIT CT Ingenieros
The main objective of SIMFAL project is to analyze, plan, and optimize automated assembly tasks of cabin and cargo interior parts with a coexistence of human workforce facilitating working places where workers are collaborating with automation systems and enhancing the total system (human and automation).
SIMFAL proposal scheme (© CEIT).
The project will set up a simulation environment based on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to display and evaluate alternative process scenarios. On one hand, a VR environment will be developed for simulating the assembly of the interior of an aircraft. Thus different assembly plans can be tested.
The resulting worker operational procedures will be enhanced with the simulation of the coexistence of the worker and a robot during aircraft assembly processes. This will lead to a tool that helps in the evaluation of assembly alternatives. The results will feed an AR system. This tool will be used for worker assistance during the assembly process visualizing/monitoring actual information in real-time. These two tools together will enable to evaluate different assembly alternatives (100 % of work done by the worker, 100 % of work done by the machine or co-operation; and different process sequences), choosing the best one in terms of productivity and health and safety of the worker (ergonomic conditions).
External links: